J. C. Smith

I don't agree at all. If you think back to the beginning, none of them were lucky in Romance. Now only Raj is, and even he is much luckier than he was. The continuing problems he has are merely a throwback, or a consistency, with the beginning of the show. The others have mutated — and not always in a believable way

OK, that's hilarious

She proved in REDS she can handle the action scenes…and anyone who thinks those actors are really driving that fast is fooling him(or her)self. Sure. If she wants to be in it, and drive, let her in!

"Usually the only time Leonard is in a car with Sheldon is when he’s driving him to work…."
True, but one of my favorites episodes involves another exception: visiting Todd Zarnecki, in which Penny makes a pants omelette for poor Mr Z ;)

Yep. She used to be cute, now she's hateful and manipulative.

Wow, never would have guessed that one. Good catch!

Should be two upclicks for two good points.

That's not a baby, that's a jumping shark.

While I think it was a good episode, and I will definitely watch it again, there were two weak spots IMHO:

When I saw who it was who trolled them, I was shocked. I had already condemned Kripke in my mind.

The Last Full Measure (sequel to Gettysburg, which has a prequel Gods and Generals, both of which were great movie IMHO)

Quote of the night: "I think I just cheated on my wife" (Howard)
It was a great episode — perhaps to be one of the all time best