
It doesn't mean you are one yourself, but considering the prices and level of gentrification, you live in one regardless (my family's from Queens, btw).

the point is, if you live in NYC at this point, you live in privileged-douche bubble.

nothing could ruin Star Wars more than the prequels… except maybe making more prequels… (OHHHH…)

"the Ewok Adventure movies were better than Return of the Jedi."

i like ewoks and i'm a feminist :(

I wonder if these folks are from the Southern Methodist side of Duke… those guys seem to live in a totally different world than the rest of the school. I used to take the bus home right around when their seminary classes got out; their discussions were wild…

Well, I was wrong about one thing… the hand-holding went quicker than I thought.

Really? Please point out where I denied their validity, let alone used anything someone told me to do so?

I'm wrong about people's viewpoints I've heard? It's funny you think you can even say that.

welp. Seems like there's a lot you didn't understand about what I wrote. Unfortunately, I don't have time to hand-hold you through it. I have a fairly decent education, I'd say :)

welp, she will once she gets there.

I'm insinuating people's personal opinion on the matter, which I can assure is absolutely true. The only way you would think that was not true is if you've never talked to a single member of Durham's black community… which I guess you haven't.

The reading was optional. It's also optional for you to reply and me to reply back, and in what manner we do so. How's that hypocritical? Also, that scandal is alive and well in Durham still, and all that was proven as far as many people are concerned is that money can get you out of anything.


Really? The town I grew up in had the most Harvard grads outside of Cambridge and they were all awful. Then I was in an Ivy plus summer program, and everyone there was super nice and open and acted like regular joes, except for all the Harvard people, who refused to socialize with anyone else and did nothing but talk

The only good thing I could say about the atmosphere at Duke was at least it's not Harvard… even my professors (except one huge jerk) who went to Harvard agreed.

I went to Duke, but Penn students are way better - nicer, chiller people. You made the right choice.

"Another student even suggested that Fun Home shook her entire perception of Duke" guess she's never heard of the Duke Lacrosse team… or maybe she's just upset that sexually explicit material is optional rather than forced.

Undergrads anyway.

"It’s has won numerous awards." It's does not have an editor. Also, the title is horribly misleading and does a poor job proving the argument.