Joey Jeremiah

Well compared to the Cersei and the Boltons Aria, Sansa and Jon and are Dudley Do-Rights.

To me it seems like people like Aunt Lydia would have been the real force behind a transition to a Gilead like society. She is fueled by rage but it is a rage directed at women living freely or "above their station" in a way that Lydia could never allow herself to do. She seems to savour every single instance or

That's one thing I don't get when people complain that this show is so unbelievable. Sure the details are different but real societies have mutated into things just as bad or worse as Gilead.


Strong Belwas is gonna be pissed.

"We believe you guys, so we wont dispute you. But if you're lying to us, we'll come back and shoot you. Word!"

Why would Molly care? She knows Gus and knows he did the right thing. In the context of the show Gus is a farmer killing a dangerous predator. The whole animal control thing and the wolves hanging around kind of drove that point home. It fit the theme of the show.

Molly would have died because Malvo was injured and angry and she would have tried to arrest him like a proper police officer.
Gus who has dealt with Malvo twice knows that Malvo is a dangerous animal that has to be put down. He was a terrible policeman but he was good at animal control. There was absolutely no "male

I don't think Gus killing Malvo had anything to do with salvaging masculinity. Gus killed Malvo because, as was pointed out numerous times in the show he wasn't a real cop he was animal control. I think this was driven home by the numerous appearances of the wolf when Gus and Malvo were in the sme vicinity.

Agree. I am definitely going to steal your Daenerys/terrorist in training comparison to use at some point.

I was not calling you "bitch",sorry it was probably my poor punctuation. I just questioning the sincerity of labelling a murdering sociopath a "bitch". I would never call anyone, let alone someone who disagrees with me on the internet crude names.

What you're doing saying 'Oh, she was raped? I would care if it was anyone else but not Cersei, she was a bitch."

You keep insisting that just because I felt no sympathy for Cersei that I somehow support and condone what happened to her. I DO NOT. I just don not feel bad for her.

Sorry, I did not say Cersei deserved to be raped. I said I did not feel sorry for her, there is a huge difference. I wouldn't have felt sorry for Pol Pot if he had been raped either. That still doesn't mean that I believe it was the right and proper course of action.

We are not talking about real life. Most of the audience was ecstatic watching a little boy painfully die.Watching GOT we are bombarded with good people suffering horrific acts of violence all the time. I just commented because I thought it was strange that more people were disturbed at Cersei's rape than most of the

I might have cared if it was anyone else. But Cersei is happy to see other women and children raped and killed. The scene was uncomfortable but Cersei is pretty the worst person in the kingdom any suffering she experiences is only a fraction of the suffering she has caused others.

I didn't really enjoy the scene but I did think the audience needs a reminder that this is the same psycho that pushed a child out the window.