Pluto &

Mark, I want to thank you for getting us back on track. I also came in here because Breaking Bad is only second best. That is the real source of my anger. I'm sorry Duck Avatar Staff guy and AV Club and my fellow commenters. However, I support the idea of mass revolt on grounds of Breaking Bad being the best show of…

I am comparing the use of a moral argument versus an economic argument. Using real world issues is a strong way to express a point. If you topic upsets you, don't sit around reading internet comments and start doing something about those issues. They are worth fighting for. Maybe you are the person to do it.

Sure, we have thousands of fast food workers striking. But do you know how many are still working? How can you say we need to raise the minimum wage when so many people are willing to work a shit job? Clearly the system works!

And yet you have multiple readers expressing confusion… Maybe other people's perspectives are different than our own.

I had a similar experience with It's Always Sunny. I couldn't figure out why I cared about a group of enormous assholes until I realized that Charlie is the main character.