
Watched this quite recently and it is really good. Obviously not as good as Die Hard, but easily the best Jack Ryan movie.

The Long Kiss Goodnight would be a classic movie, if it was directed by someone with a decent sense of style instead of Renny Harlin, who has no sense of style at all.

I'm fairly certain that new captains were added every time you died.

Two hundred dollar shirt, by the way.

Basically what I was going to write.

The child actor's in this show are really, really great. The casting and director's have done a wonderful job. I mean, Victor was maybe the weakest player since The Ring, but this episode launched him straight into the competition for Best Child Braverman. That crying scene was top notch.

I am tempted to email Merchant now and find out the truth.

I was weirded out by the wheelchair dudes name, because Kives means testicle in Finnish. Is that a real name in some part of the world?