"Find the scandal under the cup! Only three cups! Around they go- easy as that! Pick the cup and win a prize!!"
"Find the scandal under the cup! Only three cups! Around they go- easy as that! Pick the cup and win a prize!!"
Employer mandates sound like a good idea in principle. but they are a killer for small (sub 25) employee companies. I have 17 people on the payroll, and covering a decent insurance plan for all is incredibly tough. It also makes it very difficult to "move on" e.g. get rid of consistently non performing staff. I have…
The ACA is far from perfect,that is why the picture comparisons (great vs terrible) doesn't really do it for me. It's more "final season of The Wire vs final season of Dexter": Flawed vs Horrific.
Speaker: Then it is unanimous, we are going to approve the bill to repeal the ACA…
Congressman: Wait a minute, I want to tack on a rider to that bill: $30 million of taxpayer money to support lower income disabled children.
Speaker: All in favor of the amended ACA-slash-mildly less cruel bill?
[everyone boos]
And didn't he sleep with Darla and still keep his soul? Made that kid, who became Pete Campbell.
"Laid the first egg" - love it. Have an image of a feathered Naomi Rapace sitting happily in her nest.
Operative word here is "earnest". Classic Paxton.
This is beside the point, but when will kathryn bigelow get back in the directors chair?
Nope. Near Dark!!!!
Yes. End of comment thread.
No. NO. No calm capable Paxton. Sleazebag cowardly overconfident Paxton!
I stand by my choice.
Is it in poor taste to say I would sacrifice a thousand Judge Joseph Wapner's if it would save one Bill Paxton?
Today- We ALL have little dicks.
That test drive scene where he's merrily describing his seduction approach to the secretly incandescent with rage killing machine Arnold is one of my favorites. Pure lovelable sleazebag dope Paxton.
It fits, doesn't it. The first thing that popped into my mind. Whatever the role, good or bad, he bounded enthusiastically after it, big smile on his face.
The golden retriever of actors.
It's bizarre, mostly because he has so much actually true information about the election that he can brag about. My disgust at the 2016 campaign is still too strong for me to want to drill into the details, but his ability to slice into the solidly blue Rustbelt and beat the massively more organised and better funded…
Trump's actual Nazis immediately strike back.
This may already exist, but a detailed breakdown of how the Independence Day sequel contained almost everything that is wrong with modern blockbusters is certainly needed.