
"Me fail english? That's unpossible!"

“‘Bitch,’ ‘flat-chested bitch,’ ‘pretty much everybody wantin’ to rape me.’” got a bitter laugh from my girlfriend.

Benders Big Score reworked the Jurassic Bark ending to remove the emotional gut punch, which made me happy because I can now watch JB without feeling depressed, but annoyed because it ruined a perfect ending.

"Bye bye Man, is this a terrible movie!"

“…it just…popped in.”

"They Live"s money with "This is your God" printed in bold font always makes me smile. If a movie's great, the hell with subtlety!

It's an entertaining film, with an injection of frying pan-to-the-face social criticism. Roan's line "How did we let it come to this?” was like a punch in the gut for me- 2016 in a nutshell…

I always assumed that Indiana was anything but a misogynist. While he has shades of James Bond in him, he always falls for strong, confident and assertive women.

The script was written in a kind of obsolete vernacular…

I wish to boycott reality, on the ground that is now dominated by a cast of villainous white guys.

Perfect metaphor for moving in with my Girlfriend. He was a little reluctant once he got in there, he seemed to make the decision to move in after making some pretty poor ones to begin with (getting stuck on a ledge) and being like - ok, this is my only option, so, "meow", and I feel terrible for hating because she's

I watched this last night. It feels more like an adaption of Zamyatin's We, by way of THX-1138.

Are we sure Bayaz's powers are partly derived from cannibalism? The later books imply that he may have broken the second law, but I don't think this has been fully confirmed.

The opening "30 years ago, four scientist saved NY"- that immediately bothered me. This is a remake, not a sequel. The silly piano version of the score- a modern trailer habit that grates my nerves. The flat, funnybot style jokes. Writing this down makes me realize that I sound ridiculous and petty- I honestly have no

And a pretty poor movie, I thought. Maybe in comedies, the crappiness of a trailer is inversely related to quality of the movie? Doctoral thesis right there.

Did anyone feel the Hemsworth character was basically a male version of Cerie from 30 Rock?

I really enjoyed the film, but HATED the nods. They force you out of the film, and they're also distracting. I spent my time scanning the background of the scenes for "the Reitman Building" or some such. I kinda enjoyed Weaver's cameo, since it came in the mid credits (my approved time for dicking around) and I also

I know my opinion as a anonymous commenter and complete stranger means very little, but I would highly recommend seeing in the cinema. I would advise drinking three gin and tonics in advance, or whatever it takes to get you slightly drunk. That worked a charm for me, to the point (and I never been in this position

Wow, I think you might be on to something. I'm struggling to thing of a good comedy trailer. The original Ghostbuster trailer wasn't funny in the least- it plays like a serious action/horror movie. Still, the '16 trailer opening text about "in 1984, 4 scientists saved New York" (or something) was ridiculous- this is a

Obviously a lot of the hate was directed towards the all women cast. Personally my active dislike was based on the truly awful trailers. In my experience, a bad trailer means a really really bad movie (studios can usually find at least 2 minutes of good material in even the most abysmal movie), so my expectations were