Huge Jacked Man

Well I assume the "best show of 2013" would be the show that had the best run of episodes that year. Note I'm not saying BB is better than whatever they picked as #1 (which I haven't seen) but it doesn't make sense to me to ignore context and buildup when reviewing an entire season.

It's a whole.

Yes clearly Breaking Bad would have been much improved by featuring epic twists and sick confrontations in every episode rather than pacing itself and building up to them.

"It also limits game mechanics, as games must be playable with 8 buttons and two analog sticks."

How would using a controller "ruin" his TW3 experience? It's neither a shooter nor a RTS and doesn't require mouse precision at all. If anything the 3rd person combat movement works better with a thumbstick.

But that episode would be nothing without the buildup from the others…

I'm not a rabid Breaking Bad fanboy but I'm having a hard time believing any show could have topped the Ozymandias episode this year.

3DS was barely worth getting until this year so there's still hope for the Wii U. If anything both the PS4 and the XB1 should be the saddest because their launch lineups are absolutely terrible, at least the Wii U has very solid games in SM 3D World and Wonderful 101.

Pair every unit you have. I'm not sure if it was the same in the previous games but it's almost always the best way to play in this one.

The games are pretty different but FE:A is much better at what it does than XCOM EU.

I for one am glad the BIoshock series righted the course after coming dangerously close to featuring decent gameplay in Bioshock 2.

That would be pretty sad because it would remind me of Shattered Memories, the worst Silent Hill game ever made.

It's funny how Bioshock 2 has the best gameplay in the series yet was almost completely ignored.

Not having hinges allows them to use a single cheap, non-3D touchscreen instead of 2 separate screens like the other models.

The 2DS already has only 1 screen, the palstic cover has a separator area to give the illusion of 2 screens. How cute of you to think you could outwit Nintendo when it comes to being the biggest cheapskates when it comes to making consoles.

The 2DS is a handheld made for little children: it's cheaper, has less moving parts, and it reassures parents worried about the warnings regarding the 3D effect being bad for younger kids. The ridicule heaped upon it is so stupid it boggles the mind.

Anyone else massively disappointed by The World's End?

Golf is clunky because the ball doesn't go where I want it to go.

Dark Souls is about skill not grinding. You can beat the game without leveling up at all which is completely impossible in most turn-based jRPGs.

You should play the first Black Ops. The story is insane and hilarious.