Jack Baxter

"[Clara] was fun in specific episodes of series seven, very good in series eight, and often great in series nine." "I think series nine is the best of new Doctor Who." These are two opinions that no one should ever, ever have. Series Nine was for the most part horribly written, and Clara is both the worst companion

"It's an ending with no poetry in it." I disagree. It may be tragic and awful that all of Donna's character development ultimately came to nothing, but it's brilliant. Heartbreaking and brilliant. An incredible ending to Doctor Who's best ever series.

I've always had a bit of a soft-spot for Gridlock because it was the first episode of Doctor Who I ever saw.

I honestly can't see how people believe this to be one of the best ever episodes of Doctor Who. Well, okay, I can, but, personally, I just don't think it is. It's not a bad episode, by any means, I just didn't find it compelling or particularly convincing. Plus, it's just plain over-complicated. And, yes, Peter

Confirmed. Clara Oswald is the worst companion in Doctor Who history.

Funny episode, but Clara and Danny Pink both need to die. Clara is a bitch, and Danny is disrespectful.

Badly written, with shitty production values and special effects.

Why the hell would anyone want to revive Clara-motherfucking-Oswald? Doctor, I love you, but you've done a foolish thing indeed. Rubbish finale.

Kill the moon? How's about "kill Clara?" Worst companion ever and the worst thing about new Doctor Who, period. Every time she speaks I just want to fucking backhand the cunt.

How is this a B grade? This is one of the most brilliant episodes of Doctor Who ever. David Tennant, John Simm, and Bernard Cribbins turn in some of the finest acting in the history of the show to date, and the emotional content is truly heart-breaking. The greatest regeneration story to date, in my opinion, and the

The greatest episode of Doctor Who ever, in my humble opinion. Brilliantly acted, written, directed, and conceived. A flawless masterpiece of the highest order. Pure television.

I honesty can't see how anybody could like this god-awful travesty of an episode. The dialogue is rubbish, the special effects are terrible, the comedy is woeful, the resolution is cringe-inducing, the "speaking baby" gimmick made me borderline suicidal (it should have died along with Matt Smith's Doctor, who actually