Adam Atkinson

(for which Eureka and Sasha were also in the top; that sentence in the recap confused me)

Cribbed from a reddit commenter: When they critique Fame on the mainstage next week, she should just immediately yell I GIVE HEAD VERY WELL THANK YOU before they can even ask a question.

Eh—if it were really about finding "America's Next Drag Superstar," there'd be at least a whole week conducted in Spanish. I suspect the results would provide some useful perspective.

I don't know what show you were watching, but a) Jessica was near miraculous in her capacity to succeed despite the language barrier; b) she literally stated a philosophy of how to do this: something like "If I don't understand the challenge, I just smile and have a good time." (advice plenty of queens would do well

Really? NO different than blackface? They are as good as the same?

"Bigot" is not a slur, and calling someone a bigot is not some kind of reverse-bullying. It's a word, with a definition.

Please tell me that the Westboro Baptist Church is not setting the standard for what's anti-gay and what's not. If so, we've all got to be just a little harder on ourselves.