To be fair they had a pretty high hit rate for that one on the ol' Loveline.
To be fair they had a pretty high hit rate for that one on the ol' Loveline.
Those are two-plus hours I suffered through (drawn there by a gathering of friends), occasionally glancing throughout the theater and thinking "am I literally surrounded by idiots"?
someone went to Classics school
The operative word is "woman".
Especially since the choice stands out on a show which played relationship roulette with its characters.
You want to see some dissonance, look at Charisma Carpenter when she exits the show and remind yourself that her character's supposed to be 21.
Wait, in that situation, how is that his fault? He didn't do a bad thing when faced with an opportunity and sort of a justification, and somehow that's a . . . negative?
My brother was obsessed with Afterglow, and I think I have a digital copy of it somewhere - looking at the track list, each song plays immediately in my brain. Somehow it doesn't seem bad in retrospect, although, as you say, it has some bland spots. The hidden track "I Will be Hating You for Christmas" is worth a good…
That's a rough place to start. The bizarre suite that makes up the back half of Let's Dance (and which has nothing to do, stylistically or thematically, with the first half) really only makes sense if you have a substantial background with Bowie. I don't think it's brilliant, but it's definitely listenable. Its…
So is this "shit on Bill Maher" week, and I just didn't notice? You'd want to put something like this in the banner so people would know.
Production Editor MRL's Proposed Track List (let's keep the better title and cover art, and call it Never Say Die):
Cf. most James Bond films, at least those that bother to have their female leads do anything.
And, that said, at least half the Season 1 episodes are at least decent on the rewatch.
The one thing I really, really hope they don't do is aim, like many recent reboots/rehashes/re-imaginings have, to be excessively "dark" and "gritty" as a way of drawing people in through violence, corruption, and a blue/gray filter. The last seasons of DS9 were "dark" enough, and for me, more nihilistic than I like…
The sooner you put an intelligence test in as a prerequisite for voting, the sooner it will be tailored to exclude black people.
Jib cut status: liked.
Nerd Panties? That sounds like a group I want to be in.
All British movies have the same cast and the same budget.
Don't forget the sexism! The silent killer.
Yeah, I don't know. I make no claims to a greater or superior knowledge on the subject. Which separates me from the Sanders supporters I hear from.