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    Additionally that bitterness, and the rhetoric it spawned, not only continued throughout perhaps the most important election of our lives, it provided a floundering Republican opposition with the ammunition it needed to attack an imposing and competent candidate.

    That was the gigantic problem (for me, at least) with Death Magnetic. EVERY goddamn song is a six-to-nine-minute slog, and anything good was quickly forgotten beneath what became a fog of unmemorable thrash whatever. Just look at the track list! I don't think I made it through the entire album.

    This was the installment where I realized "Rowling loves to set the plot up as a big mystery, but the ending will come as a Deus Ex Machina because she'll never tell you adequate information to actually solve the mystery." OR the mystery will be comically simple.

    I'm sorry (in more ways than one), but everyone claiming that "sexism was not an issue" is trying to brush away a very real fact of this election. I'm tired of hearing this nonsense. Sexism was a huge issue. And in American's referendum on decency and the place of women in society, sexism won.

    This is an election for the leader of this country and with it, the free world, not a yelling contest between sections of a high school auditorium.

    For those of us who might have been impressionable teenagers in fusty backwaters, a strident liberal voice shouting out in pure tones that the Iraq War was a gigantic lie and the Bush administration a den of opportunists and cynical propagandists made a difference. Even now many liberal voices make so much of an

    Where's his goddamn Random Roles?

    It's a journey, not the destination. Frank is a fun, lively, memorable, brilliantly unhinged character. We aren't supposed to take the violent aspects of the story too seriously (or any of the story). He dies because it's a sci-fi pastiche and the mad scientist dies. He's the best character, appears to be having the

    At that time (a generation I was in myself), it was transgressive enough to be weird and interesting, but not transgressive enough to be actually dangerous. My mom introduced me to it, for god's sake.

    Yeah, my school was a bit too small to actually HAVE any of the latter category, so what they wound up with was a bunch of honor students who liked performance and mildly raucous fun and basically wound up in bed by midnight after having the post-show meal at the local Sherri's.

    Bob Dole 2.0, he was.

    However! That same sort of nihilistic emptiness fits perfectly not necessarily with the tone of the original The Magnificent Seven (which I haven't seen), but with The Seven Samurai, which is chock-full of ambivalence towards the value and meaning of heroic exceptionalism and sacrifice!

    One of the twins actually died very young, if I recall correctly. Kinda puts a damper on the whole story, although their few years in the limelight had already faded by then.

    The pushy bisexual chick, if I recall correctly, was voiced by flash-in-the-pan pop musician Bif Naked. Carson Daly and Dave Grohl also voiced original characters in IIFY. Surprisingly, they all rather well in their performances.


    Oh, you can beat him - you just have to have full energy tanks (enjoy the grinding if you don't get it right the first time) and hit him almost every time without missing. It's an unpleasant experience.

    Well, one guy falls off a helicopter, so he isn't "killed", really. I don't remember the scene in the movie, but the article implies that one police officer is thrown off a cliff (1). I don't recall Rambo killing Brian Dennehy at the end, so I would say (1), max (2).

    I'm sure Uncle Joe would have found him useful - at least, until he had to be liquidated like the rest, a fate to which he would cheerfully march without the least bit of irony crossing his mind.

    Elec is the way to go - off the top of my head, I don't even think any of the other weapons can damage him. The trick is simply to memorize the jumping pattern (or have great reflexes) so that you can dodge the bricks as they jot across the room. The pattern never changes. His actual attack is laughably easy to dodge.

    You're totally right about where Cut goes in that order. The Robot Masters in 1 are actually super-easy if you do them in a worthwhile sequence. What's tough is doing four of them in a row…