Bob Dobbins

No way, some of these records were by females.

I don't go because I have boring taste….pretty girl, no dead bodies, no transformers etc. If I flip around on Netflix, I can get caught up in something not of my own choosing so most likely it is a lot better. Like Bag of Hammers or Buffalo 66.

Are you sure this isn't an Onion story?

Confession is good for the soul.

I was born in 1960. Worshiped at the altar of Big Star most my musical life. Fell in love with Weezer the first time I heard them. Sometimes they have been difficult to follow but hear we are 20 years out and they are still at it. Anyway, just about the best present I ever got was a Napster version of the Blue Record.

Ah you young whippersnappers. I remember when they invented the internet….and Weezer fans went toe to toe with Radiohead fans on it for Musical Supremacy. Of course, Radiohead completely sucked. Weezer was awesome. It wasn't much of a fight.

Yeah, Sandy Hook conspiracies did it for me. I wish you hadn't reminded me. I had a chiropractor I loved. He started talking about the donations page that was set up in Facebook before the shootings happened. I go see someone else now.

Not from day one. That Chronic Town EP was pretty good. Maybe it has been downhill ever since, but you still can't take that away from their rep.

I thought the same thing about the date. He should have stuck to the sucks dogs line. Once he started rationalizing, he was definitely hanging his weiner out at the party. The B-52's making pop hits? For gods sake, they covered Petula Clark.