
Yes, I do. When Baelish put the idea to her to begin with. But I suppose after going though hell in kings landing she'd just have assumed that Ramsay was the nice Bolton.

The only explanation for this kind of nonsense is emotion overcoming critical thinking. A terrible thing was done to Sansa, but she knew after talking to Miranda what was likely to happen and judged it a price worth paying to realize her vengeance upon the Boltons.
Ramsay is a bastard with daddy issues; his beef is

Perhaps you're unaware that past crimes don't exempt people from being victimized.
Have you forgotten that Sansa willingly marries Ramsay to facilitate her revenge on the Boltons after being told exactly what caliber of monster he is just a few scenes prior?
Really people…

Feminism really has pushed some people over the edge. Unless you said the same thing when Theon was castrated, your cultural sensibilities are driving your literary criticism. You and so many others actually believe that Sansa is Ramsay's primary victim in this scene when you're explicitly told in the bath scene how