Kat Love

Makes sense. That's what I thought

I'm just saying it how it is

She's not the queen of anything

It's okay. She will get replaced and people will forget about her when the year passes

I doubt people will use the apple site just for Taylor okay

She will get replaced soon

Oh please. It's not like she's suffering.

Taylor is greedy

I mean she used shock and that's why she was succesful and very versatile. I mean in 2015, she's not good anymore

Bye love

But who really listens to radio that much?

Madonna was different and unique that's why

You don't know that. Out of 300 million people in the world, who knows her?

Photographers have copyright and she seems like a huge greedy hyporcrite

I think it was a publicity for both

Then people will say she's annoying

It will be replaced by next year

Dude that's not how it works

Not everyone knows who she is in the world or in America

She needs them or no publicity