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    the joke with the sign is in the words "subscribe to keemstar". he made the video as a troll, implying that keemstar is so terrible that he recommends the worst people on earth (nazis) to subscribe to keem, as they would enjoy his content. the implication is that keemstar is "basically hitler". the only person who

    >What fucking context is there for a sign that says "Death to All Jews"?

    >PewDiePie thinks that if we find his humour offensive then it's our fault, not his.

    it isn't as bad as doxxing but in what way isn't it harrassing? you're saying "fucking with people" as if that isn't the exactly same thing as harrassing lol

    Except moot has actually already said that there is never really an influx of new users every summer. So this comment is based on a faulty premise.