
I'm enjoying this series a ton, mainly for the reasons behind Debbie's epiphany. I'm not a huge fan of wrestling, mainly because I don't like my irony to come with a death toll, but I'll admit my favorite part of pro wrestling are the ridiculous storylines. I like the gimmicks, but not really the wrestling (one

If he played Bunnicula, that's kind of great.

No fair! That's my take, too!

I dislike modern arrogance as much as hazy nostalgia. Eras aren't really better than one another, they are just different. I don't believe for a second coaching is more advanced. People thought the same thing in the 90s about the Triangle Offense, but it turned out it only worked if you had two of the ten best players

It's a few things, but a big thing the Lakers/Celtics had going for it was contrast. The Showtime Lakers versus the Great White Hope. That's a draw in both narrative and in style of play. The Celtics ground the game to a halt and thrived on violence and/or defense while the Lakers wanted to run nonstop.

This is pretty much why I find the ABA so fascinating. Half of the NBA All-Star team were former ABA players a year after the merger, so its clear the league was really good: but the video evidence and statistical record is spotty at best. It's like the last great sports myth.

I loved the 80s Sixers. Dr J is still basketball god, even if he needed Moses to get to the promised land.

This is sort of where I am on the movie. There's a lot in the movie I didn't really like, and I think the scene where her merry band of misfits goes over the top is borderline offensive, as it seemingly endorses the idea that we could have taken the other trench if only the troops were braver. Which is precisely the

Old school gun-toting racists don't think Nazism is cute or funny. So, at least they have lines they won't cross. This is a bunch of racists yelling, "TOO FAR!" at another racist.

Alex's comment about extreme moral stands strikes me as a good bit of foreshadowing. Taystee means well and she is acting out of a sense of what's right, but that extreme moral stance has already launched a riot and will likely destroy many inmates' lives before it burns out.

I give Piper a pass for villainy given that when she arrived, the guards and inmates both essentially conspired to murder her. That would stick in my craw.

The reaction shows how badly the internet wants Trump to be the goofy, wacky president.

I loved Night Court. It was a show that delighted in its absurdity, and there was a real element of "I can't believe we're getting away with this" to the writing and performances. The comparison to Sledgehammer! was on point. Just a great, funny show (that probably stayed on air 2-3 seasons too long).

Easily the best news of the week. Which is a low bar to clear, but still.

And the story has officially gone from mildly amusing to a little bit terrifying. Suck the 10 bucks up, Brandon.

I never said anything about your opinion. I was building off of your comment about what writers say on Twitter. You, in fact, are the one assuming what my opinion is, not vice versa.

That's a pretty accurate take on Bobby Riggs, though. He was a con man who couldn't help himself. Carell seems to embody the man in that trailer.

Once a book is out in the world, the author loses full ownership of it. Everything in the book is now subject to the interpretations of the readers. It's why I don't really like JK Rowling making statements about her book after the fact. I think there is textual support for Dumbledore being gay, but it's more

Well, that seems a bit much. But I think a well-placed, "Screw you" to the smug douchebag would do nicely, and we move on with our lives.

You'd think a generation that grew up with the internet would be slightly harder to troll. I mean, this guy clearly is a mammoth douchebag, but people are also wildly overreacting to take offense to advice that pretty much every mom gives her kids (don't waste money on going out to eat and such, so you can save up for