
While I truly enjoyed the weaponized snark in this article, I would like to point out a small error. Nearly two-thirds of the US population has a pre-existing condition of some sort, meaning this bill would allow insurers to deny not just poor people, but pretty much EVERYONE access to health care. While I'm sure the

I like comic book movies, but I also like big budget movies aimed at adults. It's why I loved Arrival so much… it was the sort of movie that justified the Hollywood machine. War movies also require the "bigness" only big studio Hollywood can provide. I'm excited.

I hear they just escape the bad guys, setting up a sequel. Typical.

I saw it in the theater, knowing nothing about it. Loved every second of it. Hell, I like the dumb sequels, but for entirely different reasons(I like that they embrace the lunacy)

Nothing. Except the broken glass she is probably putting in your food, slowly tearing up your insides. Or maybe that's just heartburn.

Man, I need a pipe. Hell, I need a newspaper. And some slippers that my dog will bring me. Being a 1950s dad seems awesome.

Fuck these evil fucking fucks.

Now that we are out of the era in which every young director is blatantly trying to copy Tarantino, it's no surprise Dogs holds up. It has outlasted the terrible copycat trend and can stand on its own merits again.

As a dad, I find cargo shorts to be an essential part of my life. Until dudes carry purses, cargo shorts are the best way to carry all of the random stuff your kids will accumulate over the course of the day.

I have high arches and a bad back. I'll give up my sneakers when I'm lying in a hospital bed again. I understand the need to wear dress shoes at work, but I'm wearing the most comfortable shoe possible in my down time, paired with the best kind of pants.

There is nothing about this story that is not totally insufferable. Oh, we could have been so much more popular if we had wanted to… oh, bite me.

Sports is the only thing that keeps me tied to TV. I don't just need ESPN, but I need a password to use their online app to get their glorious stash of hundreds of obscure games (like college baseball). Then there's Fox Southwest for Rangers games when the father-in-law comes over. Plus, NBC Sports for soccer and

I hate the films of Michael Bay, but I'll be honest: Con Air cracks me up every time its on TV. Every actor in it knows what kind of movie it is, and they all delightfully ham it up to the hilt. I wouldn't call it a good movie, but it certainly is fun. I like fun.

You're not scary, but go ahead and make the scary face if it makes you feel better. One party had a president who signed the Paris Accords regarding global warming, and has also ran an environmentalist for president back in 2000. But yeah, both parties are the same on that issue.

This isn't whataboutery… the accusation is that you can't say X and win, and recent history shows that to be absolutely untrue.

There are no longer votes in the middle or in crossing party lines. All of the meaningful votes are in motivating your base or depressing the other side's turnout. Which is why the GOP is decades ahead on voter suppression. It's honestly not motivated by racism, it's motivated by the ruthless, amoral desire to win.

Sure you can. Republican candidates say horrible things about large sections of the population every day (like gays, African-Americans, liberals, anyone from a coastal state, immigrants, etc.), and they win elections all the time.

Was that comment supposed to convince me you AREN'T wacky?

I honestly voted for O'Malley in the primaries. He is a moderate establishment Dem who didn't have the baggage of Hillary. I wanted Biden, but he never ran. He would've crushed it.

Obama was a moderate pragmatist who also genuinely believed in the innate goodness in people. That can be an asset or demerit (I'd argue the only other president of my lifetime who had such an optimistic view of individuals was Jimmy Carter… so there you go).