(white) GIRL POWER!
(white) GIRL POWER!
I could not possibly give less of a fuck about Beyoncé, this album, or R&B/hip-hop in general.
It reminds me of an old joke:
Jason Segal has really let himself go.
I can't remember the character's name, but I quit watching The World At War when that entertaining little fellow with the moustache got killed off. No biggie, really. The series was pretty much over by then anyway.
I kinda get the feeling you're overthinking this show.
In fairness, his face has been insulting Euclidian geometry for about 30 years.
Jesus, this show is awful. A whiny, navel-gazing hipster douchebag with a nose like a peninsula stumbles through his stupid, boring life, collides with a marginally less unlikeable shambles of a girl who's basically just a walking collection of psychological red-flags, and we all just sit around marking time until…
Just out of curiosity, has any man here EVER in his ENTIRE LIFE, told a random woman to "Smile!"? I mean, I have literally never done that. The thought of doing something so flagrantly inappropriate simply wouldn't occur to me. And, if they're to be believed (and I do believe them) none of my male friends have done…
Sarah, on Alice "Nobody owes her anything. She's just a big fat brat!"
Horace must have done something pretty awful to his daughter for her to be such a total bitch to him about everything.
Horace must've done something pretty damn awful to he daughter for her to be such a cunt to him.
There's a MASSIVE plot hole in this episode. If the dad killed Janet and then dumped her body in the lake, he would have known that the water would have destroyed any forensic evidence under her fingernails. That's just common sense! He wouldn't have NEEDED to plant the bomb. He wouldn't have needed to kill the…
Leslie Winkle from the Big Bang Theory.
It's kind of ironic that, in a show devoted to tackling the prevalence of racial stereotypes on TV, Dev's agent is portrayed as a stereotypical "Angry Black Woman".
I am SO relieved this wasn't a train wreck.
Am I missing some essential sarcasm, here? This is one of his most famous bits.
I…would…go with….Be…de…lia…as………well, but her (long pause) habit…of dragging…every…sentence…out…for…
Best little whorehouse in Texas, though.
It's not like MRA's have a monopoly on being obnoxious, hateful, and threatening: