U.N. Owen

>Which means that other than Erica’s slightly outdated description of the internet as “a world where you’re judged by what you say and think, not by what you look like”

Actually, PFT has referenced that commercial about 30 times on Comedy Bang Bang, it's one of his running jokes. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one who snuck it in the script.

What? You're totally right, responding with "____!!!!! XDDD" is not cool. I did not do that. Try harder, refocus your energy, come back in another seven months.

not sure if you've realized in the 7 months since you posted this, but responding to "I don't like ____" with "____!!!! XDDD" isn't witty or cool

you're a loser

That's really good, witty humor, dude. Saying words that were in the episode, are you a writer, professionally?

Yes. It is obviously a joke. It is very, very clearly a joke.

Are all of you this bad at recognizing a joke, or have I myself fallen another level in the weird ironic meta-joking that's going on here?

That's the proper response to anything you believe being challenged

it's just not better is all, they're all worth net zero

"Pixar has an even worse track record when it comes to representing people of color"

and is also a 1:1 reproduction of a design someone else made for their own TV show that has existed for years and is still in no way any kind of original art

"There are 13 characters in all—eight of whom are female, a pleasant change of pace"