This World Begins With Us

I'd be more surprised if there were a drug you couldn't get in Vegas.

I too, think that talking about the human body is totally gross!

I hate AV Club because everyone's jokes always go over my head :/

I'm still on Persona 3 Portable. Got disinterested ever since my Dungeon Lv 80 squad was deleted. But I'll get back in the game soon enough.

When you can't beat them, buy them out!

Wow. Thought you were talking about Plastic Man. Had to look him up. How many stretchy-men ARE there in comic book fiction?! Geez.

Show me a male superhero who doesn't make me feel bad about my twiggy exterior!

Classic Poo.

Classic Poe.

Well, PB and Marcy are pretty thin, themselves.

I read that in Seth McFarland's voice for some reason.