
Can't wait I love this show

Is Clooney or Jesus richer?

I really doubt they would do anything like kill off the core cast (even though this cast is enormous) so I don't see why that particular cliffhanger was necessary. But it was a nice shot of them all together. And like everyone else I don't know how they are going to continue if they do indeed split all the cast up.

Oh yeah! That makes sense.

But that's not even a xenomorph

I know this season has been uneven, but I liked this episode. There were a lot of nice throwbacks.
- I just noticed but how has Michael Stuhlbarg been only a guest star this season? He's been in a majority of the episodes.
I love that Ray is now a kitten.
DJ Qualls death was disgusting. Speaking of which, I wonder what

Aw man, this is a shame. Sense8 was completely insane but really nice and touching too. I understand why it never got a huge audience but this is just disappointing. There was obviously so much more to it, but it had some great action sequences and a lovely cast. Also- the orgies! Haven't watched season 2 yet but now

One thing about Varga is that he's just so gross. I don't know how Thewlis does it, but every time I see him I feel uncomfortable and dirty. Malvo was awful but he wasn't really gross like that. Anyway, I loved the scene with Varga, Emmit, and Gloria. She's probably the first character who hasn't been afraid and

This is surprising, he's actually really good on the show.

That ending was so intense. Tuan is no joke. I love that this show gets so heavy towards the end. The way they payoff everything is always so good. I can't believe there's only one episode left until the final season though.

Agree completely. Scott essentially just abandoned an interesting idea to make another alien movie. Even the way it made Prometheus irrelevant seemed cheap and rushed. And the ending was awful.

It really was a bad ending.

Prometheus doing better than Alien: Covenant is kind of funny since it was made in response to people not liking Prometheus. I thought it was a pretty good sci-fi horror movie, but the way it attempts to tie into the other films in the franchise just doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Yes, so disappointing.

Holy Fassbender. This was definitely his movie. I know it has many flaws, but I actually liked Prometheus (it's so ridiculous I think it's amusing), and he has stolen the show in both movies. That kiss scene was weird but hilarious. Pretty much all the David-Walter scenes were. Anyway, this movie was just so dark and

I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt this episode was just a bit too much too fast. I mean Lydia and the laundromat came out of nowhere, and then Saul was born. I know people have said that things move too slow on this show, but that was more in one episode than two seasons combined. And now I just wanna know what

Jesus, if you like his music just listen to it.

The Breakfast Club.

Oh my god, did I hear Kim say "Saul Goodman" in the teaser for next episode?

I thought the same thing. Even though they've technically never said what party she belongs to, it seemed like she was definitely a democrat, but this episode made her sound like a republican.