Homer Thompson

HBO is basically doing everything in their power short of openly endorsing misogyny by having these two back to back.

American Dad? You're kidding, right?

C+? You know … fuck you, AV Club.

That workshop scene was unbearable. It just so clearly reeks of Dunham's neurosis about her creative output. Also, is Hannah's character so utterly incapable of maturity that she can't shut the fuck up for two seconds while people are offering critiques of her piece? Someone else mentioned how it echoed the GQ

I realize that this point has been made several times already, but this premise is really starting to become insufferable. Is the mumblecore set capable of writing about anything other than self-indulgent, navel-gazing fuckups? Oh, you got evicted? Yeah, it's because you stopped paying rent. Party Down was also a

I could, like, totally, like relate to the characters and stuff. Growing up is hard and shit. Especially when you're in your 40's.

Mark Duplass should know that having Mark Duplass star in this series is not marketable. Most punchable face ever …

Did Marnie singing really have to take up that much of this episode? I mean, I get it, but that was beyond cringe-inducing.

I really hated Lena Dunham after watching Tiny Furniture, even though that film was decent. Girls is mostly insufferable, but the show has its moments. I just find it hard to distinguish between when Dunham is glorifying the stupid bullshit that indulgent millennials do, and when she is parodying said bullshit.

I dunno, Christopher Abbot has a way more punchable face. Just saying.

Agreed. It's all about confident delivery too. Even if Jeff Ross is having an off night at a roast, his delivery is so nonchalant and perfect. Samberg was doing everything short of winking at the audience during his bit.

Gang violence is no joke.

I definitely hate Jason Segal, but no, I can't articulate it humorously.

Holy shit, that top picture kind of makes me hate life. The only one in this video without a beard is James Franco … who has a mustache. Goddammit.

I can only hope that Ben Gibbard never makes music again.

Intended with nothing but sarcasm.

Yeah, it's good … if you think Fred Armisen is funny. So, no.

How does one "ruin" Death Cab for Cutie?

Ugh, that picture …