Michael Smith

I think Bran will come around. I think he's very disoriented because of the visions and doesn't feel any particular allegiance to the present moment or to living people when he can move in and out of it with such ease. Kind of the dangers faced by Leo in Inception, or Paul Atreides in Dune. He needs someone to help

I hope so.

Oh that's right. I guess they weren't as afraid of Lannister spies in the show.

Didn't they all think she was his illegitimate daughter? So they probably don't trust her at all at this point.

Yeah, I guess I meant to imply with "Stark girl" that he wants Cat or someone damn close to her. Brandon was definitely his Tom Buchanan in the Gatsby metaphor, and Ned - I think he just thought Ned was a naive idiot who got Cat via his noble birth, but if he had been born in Littlefinger's position wouldn't have

Me too! I mean I can see why she said it - its way funnier that way, and Faceless One training of course did help quite a bit with her combat skills. But she really threw Syrio under the bus there after he gave his life for her.

He's definitely the real MVP.

I think Littlefinger is about finished.

More like whether Jon could pursue a rational course with respect to protecting his sister, or whether, if pushed, he might react in anger and do something like choke out a potentially powerful ally after giving a big speech about how much they need allies.

"Dude, I was hammered down at the Crossroads last night and that fat cook guy was telling me insane stuff. He claimed that he knew Arya Stark and traveled with her and stuff."

Richard NIxon used to say that a politician should never lose his temper unless he planned to do so.

The Catholic Church believes in evolution and the big bang and science and everything. They are not like American fundies who believe the world is 6,000 years old. Basically they would almost be liberal these days if it weren't for abortion and homosexuality. And Francis downplays those issues, much to the chagrin of

Lol.. I'd like to make a film that is a spoof of Mighty Ducks, but instead of a lawyer getting a DUI and being forced to coach youth hockey, Ernest Hemingway gets a DUI and is forced to write children's books.

Excellent article. However, I could barely read it because it forced me to read quotes from her idiotic post again.

He is fighting left wing hysteria with right wing hysteria.

Yep. Adjusting moral standards to account for a person's position doesn't usually end well. Because it essentially makes being part of a certain class a kind of crime by itself.

I thought the one player's observation about how much easier it would be to "railroad" a poor, non-privileged person was spot on. I think they handled the situation pretty darn well.

I think the author's thinking there reflects the belief that official reaction to specific situations should reflect general power relationships between the parties - a/k/a a kind of "pragmatic" prejudice.

It really is such a perfect microcosm that it almost plays like fiction. It's kind of like The Tempest.

I thought this was a very timely story to revisit.