
Kanye probably gave credit because of a court ruling in the 80s that made such a thing mandatory. Before that, plenty of hip-hop artists lifted samples without giving credit. As far the Zeppelin analogy goes, Zeppelin easily stole a bunch of riffs and melodies and bringing that up is only a moot point if you're not

Stupid for what reason? Bruh.

So did you read my comment, or were you just interested in becoming an example of everything I was talking about?

The conversation of Zeppelin's "stolen" songs never ceases to amaze and disappoint me. They literally named half their "stolen" songs after the songs themselves—that's not exactly hiding the source and if someone's truly interested in exploring blues music, they can use the song titles as a starting point. Then when

Good call. Those two names definitely belong in the upper echelon of the most important, well known and influential artists of electronic music. Then below them there's an entire stratum of obscure, brilliant trailblazers that have basically been forgotten. Cluster, Schulze, Gottsching, etc. In general, it's a very

Epsilon is one of the most beautiful, understated electronic albums of all time. Froese was possibly more influential than the (excellent) article even suggests. Along with Kraftwerk and Brian Eno, Tangerine Dream played a huge role in bridging the gap between the 60s and 80s (and beyond). Music lost a really great

Do you actually watch this show? It pretty much operates on this premise every week! It's not bad at all—in fact it's one of the best shows on TV.

Or maybe the Good Wife wasn't really trying to tackle race issues in the first place and was instead using a Ferguson like scenario as a jump-off point to have an episode that progressed multiple story lines while upholding the exploitative, somewhat emotionally crippled means by which politicians make their next

Perhaps the true irony is that the review suggests outright that this didn't feel like a Good Wife episode, meaning she's suggesting this is "not" what the Good Wife does. Or maybe the irony is that stating that "you just didn't get it is ironic" is even more cliched than stating "you just didn't get it". Layers upon

Here's a new headline: AVClub (and others) completely misses point of recent Good Wife episode, uses yawn-inducing, cliche-ridden critique to try and pick apart an episode that has nothing to apologize for. The episode was fine. And entertaining. The characters took a current, sensitive premise and did what they do

Anyone else think that think that this pilot was somewhat poorly directed considering it was Lee Daniels at the helm? There was choppy editing and some pretty mediocre acting from a handful of actors. Usually when a movie director films a pilot it's readily apparent across the board—aside from setting the tone, this

There is nothing left to say about the lackluster final season that wasn't said here. Well done.

I must say that Stephen King can often be one hell of a writer, but he's honestly one of the worst critics I've ever encountered. I'm not saying this in defense of The Shining or Room 237, but rather in regards to his countless endorsements which can be found on an excessive amount of book jackets. I recently finished

True Detective was A+ for about two mid-season episodes before dropping to a solid B+ as it closed. Of course, trying to convince the same rabid fan base who elevated expectations on True Detective in the first place (by pointing out 100 things that never came to fruition) that the show is not all the great is like

You're coming into a conversation directed toward someone else and acting like it's directed toward you. Thank you for sharing your completely skewed opinion that wasn't asked for.

It seems you have good taste in music, so it's in earnest that I'm asking: why is it so hard for you to see that Sublime had some really good songs? Do you really think that "Santeria" isn't good? I guess you would argue it has no soul—I've said my piece on that. But one might say Britney Spears has no soul, and that

True. But Sublime was "good" and "catchy" to millions. I'm sorry to hear you can't enjoy their songs. It confuses me the same way people who don't enjoy Nirvana songs confuse me, but you're more than welcome to your opinion.

Your initial response was quite harsh. And at the end of the day, catchy music is catchy music. In spite of all your objections, my initial confusion was built around the fact that Sublime wrote good, catchy songs. Just like The Ramones. What's not to like about that? No need for you to re-state what you've already


I understand what you think. I think differently and I've told you why. You say Sublime had no "soul". I say they did. You say their lyrics were bad attempts at insight. I say you're projecting your own biases onto their intent. As for your notion that they failed at being "fun", I've been to plenty of parties that