Matt Tobin

That was a bit of a joke

It understand these. He certainly was still rich, but it was a lot of money he didn't need to give away. And as Pete explained: you can't just walk up and sell your share to the nearest person, so it was probably a lot of his accessible funds.

But you can have all the comforts of home by taking his check from the CIA….if you just add a couple sentences here and there to the article.

The think perhaps the most overlooked thing could be the interaction between Sally and Don.

Well, that was because Pete wasn't faithful. She was spoiled, but I don't see her as remotely sneaky or selfish. At least not compared to every other charecter.

He doesn't use her directly, but to fill the sense of loneliness he feels and to help his image. But she kills that.

The real answer is none of the above. You treat Trudy right. I mean not only is it Allison Brie, but she is probably cast in the most positive light of anyone in the show by a substantial margin. She appeared to be the perfect wife.

I agree.
They both used each other, but it cost Don $1M.

None of that is exclusively Don's fault.

I'm not suggesting she is actually crazy, but at least seems a bit bipolar.

It is more how radical and rapid the shifts are. Don never really prevented her from going pursuing her dreams if I remember everything correctly. She expected Don to drop everything for her to pursue her dreams despite being entirely reliant on Don. She pretends like she doesn't need Don, but call him up begging for

Am I the only one who thinks the claims of Meagan being crazy are true?