
Uh. Yes. He could've done it. Exhibit A: Emilio Lizardo

Imagine what happens if he has to pick out a thermos….

He'd be like Richard Dawson down there!

Remember? He started the games by saying "Stay hungry, my friends!"

You're the puppet!

Lynch really captured the economic anxiety on Arrakis.

Now if the passengers of Oceanic 815 are part of the world where the 2% are living, I would watch that.

Agreed. I think by literal, I mean, fully explained and realized with no room for uncertainty.

I respect your points (though I disagree with lazy storytelling), but this one is just flat-out wrong:

He made this movie for the people of Portugal, not Paris. Well, maybe Paris, too. No way it'll sit with the people of Pittsburgh.

I feel that there must be a monkey's paw involved somewhere.

They'll split the last two episodes up.

Maybe. I think it would've muddied the message, myself. But fair enough.

Funny that we're taking the idea of "literal" from two different viewpoints and arriving at the same point: Sure, we don't know for sure. Which, in the end, is the point. We didn't know for sure where/when we were, we didn't know for sure if Nora was lying or telling the truth. But we still felt resolved because at

The wink-nod Kevin at the dance I think was supposed to suggest that. But when she goes to save the "scapegoat" wearing everyone's sins and puts those sins on her… that's on-par with Kevin singing "Homeward Bound" at karaoke in the height of "is this her alternate reality?"

That's Season 4… Oh wait.

They did a good job of evolving him from a true believer who railed against what he thought was a slight, through being bitter, and ended with him as a human who realizes that things don't have meaning other than what we do before our mortality. I think he was the most human character in the series.

Whoa whoa whoa. We still have 15 one-episode seasons of GOT.

Ironically, the other message of this show also borrows from "Book of Mormon": Hasa Diga Eebowai

Sorry, but cop-out comment. Don't come in with "ridiculous loose ends" and "barely stitched together" and then say "read my comments." Defend your point.