
Oooph. You nailed the landing.

Ty for for the JDR reference…I could not place her to save my life. She is fantastic.

I told my wife as soon as it was over, "Im sad I just started watching this show in the 6th season and I really like it, but that was the PERFECT series wrap. I hope it doesnt get renewed."

Haha All good, Septon!

Probably obvious, but Hardy will play Raisuddin Bhuiyan, right?

I adore Katey Sagal.

You just described every sitcom ever.

I liked that one, but the twist shoulda been that sasquatch was Bobcat and the Bobcat Fan Club runnin around in the pacific northwest mountains a' gruntin and a' hollerin.

[REC] should definitely be on any "yes" list just for Javier Botet.

Fixed: “…these scripts are so arent amazing, I’m not worried about disappointing fans at all… They’re so not worth it."

Old lady: I hate every ape I see, from chimpan-a to chimpan-z, you'll never make a monkey out of me!

Oh yeah? Well, I had sex with your wife!

Ultimately the goal is for the ball to to just be a solid sphere of glass with no discerning features at all.

Also, the filing cabinet that folder is in has a sign on it that says "O.J.T.D.N.E. (Obvious Jokes That Dont Need Explained)."

If I told you I thought you were generally funny, but your last joke wasnt great, would that prevent me from being honor killed? Just hypothetically working thru my options here as I currently enjoy being alive…

Now its getting weird…get away from me, man!

Cool, I have my own personal troller, following my other posts and re-using my material to out-smart me at my own game!

LOL Man. Keep on killfishin, I guess.


Heh, so much this.