And thats why youre a bad human.
And thats why youre a bad human.
Filed under Jokes that dont need explained.
Wouldve been the best series ending ever if Shiva had just gone straight to Rick and shredded him to pieces.
Id be okay if every pre-credits sequence, in every movie ever, had Ribisi getting shot.
Madea played by DDL as TP….Id watch it.
Well….we coooooullllllld…..(ow, my soul)
Needs Brad Pitts italian delivery.
Ep Title: CTRL+R
Dont forget The Leftovers. Speaking of…*pulls meatloaf out of fridge*
Youve done very well here today; take the rest off.
I am most DEFINITELY going to have a margarita made in my mouth!
Well said, Unnumbered. Well said.
The Stand: Now With Orcs!
Just give me all the Carrie Coon you have.
Twitch isnt paying nearly enough these days.
Did you have to eat in a circle around a campfire, a la Blazing Saddles?
Let it play…
Winston (the real one) is the best.
They already do.
Youre in the wrong place for that, my friend.