
This episode was terrible. This whole show has gone downhill and Alec Baldwin cant act. Fox and Friends is much better. Sad!

So would Bill Murray. Could do a little world mixing by having him sneak up on Melissa as a prank…we all know how that'd end.

I find it best to not think too hard on 30 minute sitcoms.

LOL man, that war was brewin well before Bush ever got into office, but whatever, this argument belongs in 2006 along with this article.

Dont mistake me for someone that listens to Rush. I even went so far as to point out that these politicians were incorrect on WMDs. The point I'm making, is that despite what the author and millions of others think, that the decision to invade was not made solely by Bush/Cheney sitting behind a desk on their

Good point, I dont know why I even bother responding to this decade-old garbage.

Its rhetorical. I hope.

To be fair, this show sucked even when Trump was hosting (I can confidently say this never having watched it myself).

Cool, I didnt know UPN was still in business, and making movies no less!

Gray-shirt Truther alert.

Holy…did not know that. My 15 year old self LOVED that movie. Proof that Lithgows best work is as a villain.

It speaks volumes of an action flick to have a plot hole this thin. Man I miss the old days…and turn down that rock and/or roll music!

Not to mention everyone forgets this wasnt a "USA only" decision and that multiple agencies worldwide believed, incorrectly, Saddam (who was a legit murdering POS) had WMDs. Unfortunately, in that region, a dictator can be better than a vacuum.

But its all worth it to see the old couple gleefully yelling "BURN! BURN!" from their little boat. Suck it Leo.

*Edited for Sensitive Sallys
**No animals were harmed in the making of this comment

"As a liberal college professor"

This is what quality writing looks like.

BCS + Fargo…please let me live thru this, 2017!

He should at least get the cat a "Get Well Soon" balloon.

*Or a Day of Dead Purring Cats? I'll bring the hammer scratches-behind-the-ears.