
How I Met My Dogs Killer?

Anybody want a peanut?

ROTFLMFAO yeah, okay.

Thats not how LA really is?

I do not think the word means what you think it means. Thank goodness for comment section safe spaces though, eh?

Well, that'd definitely be Madonna then.

Can I vote for you in 2020?

FFS, can you take this back to Jezebel, please?

I wanna know what kinda person actually listens to his podcast, and thus would become angered by it.

(its actually a very recently used fleshlight)

"Did you ever notice how men always leave the toilet seat up? ………….thats the joke."

ftr, would agree that screaming in a neo-nazi's face is a-okay. im also pretty confident these fine young people are not just singling out nazi's to yell at.

"he will not divide us" — *promptly screams in anyones face that doesnt agree with their views that they are wrong*

That man has endless amounts of mascara.

Youre fun.

Its called a fivehead.


Edit: "When done well it could look very Gracie."

Oh scrappy, it seems youve shot your wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, and now you have a bit of a mess on your hands.

Great, now I have to go look up Guthrum. :)