
In the "punchable face" category, they needed their own Chris Matthews.


I would like to see it end with Alfred driving the norseman out of England/Ireland…I think it would be fitting to see Ivar defeated by the son of Athelstan (*sp).

Winnick did a Twitter Q&A yesterday and she insinuated that her looks are about to change…I would assume you are correct on an incoming time jump. I think its needed to distance itself from Ragnar.

Fairly certain he says, "How the piggies will grunt…", not "Heaven…".


I could see this…if a middleschooler with above average talent tried to make a Leftovers type show.

*puts fists in air* STEVE ROOT!

We gotta get outta this thread before one of these things kill Guy!

Bigly sad!


I guess youve never seen a SE interview.

I hope Esmail gets to spend 3 minutes at the end of every episode of this show too telling us how clever he is and how greedy politicians and corporations are so I know how to feel about stuff and junk.

"I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it."


"Excuse me, Mr Wick? Its time to get up…Bub (and Lil Sis) has informed us "you s'posed ta be makin' breafast fo' sumbody.'"

Action movies probably arent for you.

Awwnold on Mars. :)

"I dont wanna see these two get kidnapped by some immigrant jerkoff! I want to see them get kidnapped by an AMERICAN jerkoff!"

Whereby Vikings standards included "blood eagling" as a perfectly acceptable thing to do to an enemy.