
One letter makes a huge difference. I think you chose the wrong one.

This show has me excited like a girly lil' bitch.

Didnt look like anything to me.

I'll go with C) Quarel

"Im gonna piss in this thing, Coral, close your eyes….eye…..sorry. *awkward pause* Youre a shit actor, you know that?"

Jesus obviously enjoys a good scotch, and he has a long truck ride ahead….so why did he pour out the rest of the bottle after a well deserved pull? Is he also going to empty the other bottles in the box? Does he think he's really "stickin' it" to Negan by doing so? Wouldnt Toothy Mctootherson just throw away the empty

I had to stay up late to watch Westworld after this turd to get the taste out of my mouth. Even a great WW barely did the trick.

Mr Robot had a 80's theme episode in S2 that reminded me of this, especially the cold open. I was annoyed by both.

We should be friends. +1 Fiver

"We can all agree that there will be some bad, bad hombres in this movie….okay, maybe just one bad hombre….and by hombre I mean The Predator….and by The Predator I mean me…sexually that is."

…and I think theres still some light coming in under the door.

Maybe its their eyes…

Either way you end up with a stomach full of rot.

/rolls eyes into back of skull re: first stray observation

I felt bad for Amos Lee when no one knew who he was. Hes a terrific talent.

Did you SEE Warcraft?!

Youre blowing my mind, CK.

Oh, the girl from Preacher?

Can a Millie get an Emmy up in here???
