
…realizes hes been dead for 3 months and no ones even come over to check on him…

Dont you mean Entourage in Miami?

He's not in cinema, but noteable, punchable faces bring only one to mind:
Martin Shkreli

Yes Well, pine trees that have lost their way. Ryan Gosling isnt involved though.


Are there any articles on AV Club about this show? Sounds pretty popular, I'd like to know more…

Have really enjoyed your reviews on SV, Les. Thanks for giving us something to look forward to reading each week and look forward to more next season!

Gah. Why do I even skip Swamp People re-runs for this.

My favorite part was when that onion guy was all, "we should kill this witch" and Jon was all, "um, yeah, no, shes staying cuz she can bring me back to life whenever I get killed. Also, I got a thing for reds." I'm assuming that was the exchange as I went and got a beer during this scene.

I agree with your point, but irregardless, I hope she was already the servant at that point and thought, "Oh snap, its Twofer Tuesday!" Jaime was just too mopey for sexytime.

I re-wound it and showed my wife (who wont watch the show). Husband of the Year Award shall be mine!

+1 for Tommens only self-made decision being his last.

The AV Club.

Youre right. Question still stands.

Maybe its my own horrible memories coming back whenever I see a ship on the ocean, but I wish as the camera panned overhead with the dragons, we would have seen dozens of ships lined with Dothraki at the rails puking their guts out from seasickness. Nothing can prepare flyover-country folks for their first ocean

So, was Arya trying to lure Jaime into a trap at the dinner? Or was the servant the unlucky chosen for Arya to "deface" to get to Walder? I like to think she was after Jaime first….

"Talking Pop-Pop"? Could also be shown after episodes of The Affair.

Tell me about it.

Can you imagine Wun Wun with a scaled bow and arrow? He could have ended the entire fight before it started with a well placed arrow from across the battlefield. Better yet, shoulda given him a minigun, a la Predator…he coulda had him some fun.

Im gonna miss all this vocal fry when GoT PF ends (said entirely with vocal fry).