Tommy V.

Not before giving birth in secret and getting Benjen to promise to look out for the little brooder if she failed to return from the south side of the Wall.

Not to worry, you fans of Dany + Jon who are worried about infertility and its potential destabilizing impact on their joint reign at the end of series. Just after they are crowned to much acclaim in the final episode, Benjen (who of course survived his latest adventure with the Wights and WW) appears and presents

There is no better way to keep the viewing public's attention than by asking them to ponder one of the timeless questions …

The discussion of legal procedure/expert testimony/etc. is surprisingly accurate. Although I have to admit that I have yet been able to give an opening of: "everything that other guy just said is bullshit"—at least not in those exact words.

Saying "Fuck these writers" based on only watching part of the episode and then relying on what you glean from comments is not particularly fair or reasonable.

Given that Cersei has decided to agree to work with Dany, the just-begun "Adventures of the Magnificent Seven" is already moot. The die has already been cast and there is no need for a wight. So prepare for more meaningless death and mayhem.

"So long, Frank Lloyd Wright" was also about Garfunkel, who had been studying architecture.

If it is not a legitimate issue regarding the evacuation depicted in Dunkirk then, no, it is not a valid complaint to raise in relation to Dunkirk the movie. Yelling at Nolan for things he didn't get wrong because—I guess—the beaches at Dunkirk were really (if maybe inappropriately) white those days in 1940 is just

Is Encyclopedia Brown entitled to interject or would that violate Union/Guild work rules?

I thought that Hasbro's original response that it had adequately represented 'the women-folk' by including the traditional thimble and iron figurines was just fine.

No love here for Warren Zevon's "Stand in the Fire"?

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die . . .
Not when you sing this song.

Well, the original cut was shot first.

"Dream Home in New Zealand" by the English Beat.

Actually, to tighten it up. Until then, only Sonny (Mr. Enormous) was the proper fit.

And I hear they sent all the rapists and murderers here, so Mexico itself is now a crime-free paradise.

I know a fair amount of Republicans who are less scared of Trump than they are of Cruz. Frankly, me, too—not that I am a Republican, but I would rather roll the dice with Trump than try to survive President Cruz.

Why they were their own worst enemies was covered pretty well: broken homes, child abuse, depression and other mental illnesses, high school drop-outs, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, pretty severe absence of 'positive' influences, all resulting in deep levels of immaturity, suspicion, an absence of self-control, an

Best show I saw there was a twin bill of Los Lobos/Steve Earle and the Dukes. Yeah, I'm pretty damn old.

I was at that show. The power went out, so Warren's band carried an old piano onto the stage, and he pounded out about 40 verses of "North to Alaska" while waiting for the techs to fix the outage.