
I like this theory. I'm trying to remember when he said it started…

And now what Kim said to Jimmy makes total sense. Whereas before it looked like she was just sucking up to her bosses. Yet, I trusted her. I knew there had to be a reason. But now that we know, I like her even more.

Y'know, I went back and watched parts of this Episode again, especially the scenes with Howard and when Kim is telling Jimmy to take the deal with HHM, now knowing what I know. Re-watching this, it's even MORE obvious how brilliant the writing is. You would think that, with the big mystery revealed, it wouldn't be as

Damn I love this show. Every speck of the talent, from the writing to the acting to the directing, is top notch. Just like we came to know with Breaking Bad. I even like that it's not as dark as BB. Has anyone even died yet? Sue me - I like when people don't have to die all the time in a show. Don't get me wrong - BB

This scene was so real. You could feel and understand everything both men were feeling. And what a plot twist! I never saw that coming! Excellent writing and acting. The best. No question Bob will be up for an emmy. He should win it, too. This so feels like his year. He's suddenly a rockstar, after so many years of

You're onto something here. And you know, big picture, it's a GOOD thing that Jimmy does not join on at HHM. Because he is his own strength and he'd be a nobody worker-bee there. He'd have to scrape and bow to Howard. By being rejected, so to speak, he can strike out on his own. Which is really how it has to be for