Thomas Johnson

Wow, where is the bubble you live in? Reverse racism doesn't exist? Read the newspaper once in a while. It's almost a daily thing where some black person calls for violence against whites. Or a black professor says whites are subhuman or a lot of other crap that would be racist if said by a white guy. I also live in

My small brain? Use a dictionary and learn what a phobia is before you give stupid opinions. Human anatomy 101, males of the species have penises. Just the facts moron. A knowledge of and the belief in facts does not equate to having a fear of something (yes, that is what a phobia is. Look it up.).

Do you mean the "adults" that think men pissing in the same room with someones underage daughter? No thanks. If they are too stupid to know that having a penis makes you male, than I'm pretty sure they are too stupid to be making decisions for anyone.

Because I think having a penis means you are male makes me a homophobe? Does that mean you are a heterophobe? Same logic, but of course your small mind won't see it that way.