
Well she did say Perfect Illusion doesn't really represent the album, rather that the entire album has various new things that she tried out. So I wouldn't call it just yet

Romero will die by the end. In Psycho it is mentioned that Norman killed his Mom's lover. Also, I believe I remember reading somewhere that Psycho II and III will not be canon to this show.

It was Alex's choice that the series ended, not the fans. I don't care if there were other seasons, Im fine with more. But people always complain if this or that was not explained. As long as a story is wrapped up it doesn't matter if we ever learn Dipper's real name or what the deal was with Gompers. It's just not

Oh god don't make this into another Lost.
There will be some more things answered with the canon "Journal Number 3" book coming this June. But just leave the rest be. There are no mysteries that important that we need answers to. The main characters got their endings and that's all that's important here.

True but all the important questions were answered. Do we really need to know what happened to Wendy's mom? Do we really need to know Dipper's first name? Do they add anything to the story? Not really.

They have Riley and Auggie. The blonde girl is Riley's friend, as well as the two other boys.

If it's "terrible" then why did you watch every episode? xD

Well he isn't in the original film so either he moves away or will get killed too.

Or Emmorman.

Ok, you have a common problem that most outsiders have with the show. With Gravity Falls, you have to watch it in order, from episode to episode. There are literally things hidden in each one that hint at later episodes, and the entire show is in serial order with huge story-archs. Start from the beginning and watch

Er…wasn't that her in the lake at the end of the episode?

Well he came in during season 2. Its not that big of a stretch to say he's a glee club alumni.

Huh, I was expecting a better review. I actually quite enjoyed this episode. Can't wait to see where the last few episodes take us, hopefully it ends on somewhat of a good note.