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    The photo is obnoxious and garbage, but I have no sympathy from people on the right who are offended. Not when they are constantly bemoaning "political correctness" for destroying America, or something. This photo is as politically incorrect as it gets, they should be defending it. But, as we all know, the right is

    Everything you said is true, but I have to admit I like Abe Leonard. I wish I could give you a concrete reason why, but I can't.

    They did mess up with his death. I don't know if SHIELD is coming back next year, but BJ Britt deserves to return if it does.

    This was before Barry ran to the future.

    I'm so glad he's back. His death upset me the most. He brought so much life and energy to the team. Bring Trip to the other side!

    I was trying to figure out how Hydra knew to round up Mack and his daughter, but just realized while reading this that Aida must have pointed them in Mack's direction. She knew he could be used to entrap Daisy.

    Umm, Star Trek: Nemesis, anybody?

    It is a fantastic movie, but I never bring it up around company because I am 100 percent certain people in my family have never even heard of it, much less seen it. Chiwetel Ejiofor's devastation when he finds out how much he has been betrayed guts me, and I am literally cheering for him when he fights his way to the


    I was straight up belly laughing at the attempted robbery.

    She's the heir to the O Henry fortune!

    I sincerely wish they would make this show nightly, Monday through Thursday. Once a week is not enough.

    "Hot damn!"

    The Goldbergs has become required family viewing in my house, and for good reason. It gets DVR'd, then my six year old and 11 year old girls watch the episode three or four times a week before the next new episode. I don't know how we are going to survive the summer.

    Okay, I wasn't hearing things. The fact that you didn't point that out like you did David Sirota tells me that there is more to come about that.

    Thanks, NBC promo, for the big spoiler about the copycat killer. WTF!

    I need to see the blooper reel from that scene, immediately. No way everybody held it together in one take.