
Having a discourse about Act 1 of a work of a work in progress is even trickier.

People have always wanted the benefit of following these characters with immense backstories and shared universes, without any of the downside.

Still, fuck him for Deadly Genesis, right?

Right — all we basically have is the premise so far, and when you reduce a lot of great storylines to a premise (as you showed with Winter Soldier), they sound terrible — Doc Ock takes over Peter Parkers body and becomes Spider-Man! Norman Osborn is the director of SHIELD! Batman and Talia had a son he never knew

I'll be generous and say I think Johns was blaming the editors and writers who took the wrong lessons from Watchmen than he was blaming Moore himself.

I'm interested in DC for the first time in about 3 years, which is not clamoring, so much as overcoming disinterest.

Speed Force.

I think getting rid of things like long-standing relationships (and marriages in many cases) and, especially, the idea of the JSA-JLA-Titans-YJ legacy really made undoing New 52 a necessity.

"Watchmen didn’t make DC alienate readers and retailers, and looking back at the New 52 launch titles, it was not a guiding influence for those titles."

Sure, it's just nice to see *Joe* recognize that.

I appreciated that Joe was like "Iris and I will handle Girder," rather than trying to protect her.

But that's information that he deserved to factor into his decision. "Hey, before you might kill yourself to get your powers back, I feel like you should know that I have feelings for you and whether you have powers or not doesn't matter to me."

They showed them just for the purpose of taking them away when Barry messed with time. As with most things Iris, it was more plot driven than character driven.

But … she wasn't available in that way. People change their minds and come around and develop feelings all the time. I don't see what's opportunistic about it.

I know this is not an original complaint, but the loss of the legacy aspect from the JSA to the JLA to the Titans/YJ did me in.

I just realized I had the same problem with both books — it wasn't that they were gory and violent, it's that they seemed to take a lot of glee in having gory and violent things happen to the protagonists. There's a certain "oh shit, can you believe we just did that?" aspect to the pacing and presentation.

It's a scientific fact that even normal-sized luchadors made Sense8 15% better.

Coulson's "Gods bleed" reminded me of Fury's "My god has a hammer" from Secret Invasion.

I think Joey was in Miami? I swear there was a text labeling it Biscayne Bay.

It's what every series needs — Downton Abbey, The Americans, whatever.