
sorry but that's a lie if you watch the episode you would see that he lives with his mom also i know a few family's personalty that get money from the state and still take care of there disable kid

how many acting rolls are they going to give him until they realize he can't act the only thing i like him in was night vision that horror anthology show that came out in 2000

i have to be honest i thought that tattoo comment was kind of dumb

i am just taking a guess but i think they put the lines there after he reads something so he wont accidentally re read it

it also work on Charles Barkley

i am surprise on there list of horror comedies they didn't put down Ghostbusters also i miss the old style of anthology horror movies in which it's different stories each episode

my favorite joke in this episode was when the doctor was in some kind of limbo state referring to the fact that they killed them off but brought him back on the episode where marge wrote a book

King Kong is a ape and not a monkey

the only reason i watch Mulaney is because of Martian Short

i think Kang and kudos was suppose be shown in the very begging but they got cut due to the sports game i remember seeing them on a commercial also i think it has to do with the fact i am not a cubic fan but i hated the clock work episode

what movie was that from again

i am surprise you didn't say John Gacy the killer clown

the one thing i thought was odd about this episode was the rape and the reason i am saying that is because at any point in time Nathan could of ran off his wheelchair but instead he willingly takes her to a public bathroom

you just now found that out the talk about that in the summer camp episode review

didn't they win the race in one episode

hell that makes him a lot better then his other counterparts

i disagree i think penguin is getting pretty flesh out

i hope in the second episode she sues the doctor how accidentally got her pregnant for a bunch of money and that's the end of the show

actually didn't family guy pretty much do the same thing in the episode where Brian became a porn director

i had no idea who lord was until these South Park episode came one and even now i only have a basic idea but i did love this episode and i would give it a A also did Sharon voice sound different