
uh no it had a budget of 50 grand in 1940 not a million bucks

He he he also amazing as the Krumpus

No that would be 10 ounce mouse

ah I never read the comic

Tick is part of Marvel I thought some indie company called Cow own him

not really a bad guy caused some super heros to go blind and they crash the air ship into his dad killing him how is that hard

I find it easyer to watch it on the Amazon app then on pc I would try that if I was you

what's shocking is the guy who wrote the comic wrote this pilot

that type of ending was played out before Fight Club did It

sorry brown

I was making a reference to the fact there as two Ticks and the blue tick stole the bron ticks ID

It coul be a split personality thing

Am I the only one who hates the whole Tick might be in his head angle

Pirate Bay is still around I thought it died

Which Tick

Halloween came out in 78

to bad the people doing Reading Rainbow is fucking it up

I read a few stories that said video game testing is not as fun as it sounds and is boring as hell and a pain in the ass and boring as hell

Didn't Ash blow up his handin evil dead 2

also am I the only one who thinks the mind deamon is a Silent Hiill knockoff