
ya he is still alive

is it the eating of the 20 dollar bill

was that i was aiming for the rope comment bemo made a reference to robin hood men in tights because that's how i took it

ah i see

uh i know i am going to come off as a idiot but what's the mcburgless thing your talking about

am i the only one who was confused by the lumpy space prince commercial and thought that that was the episode they where going to show

why do we have to reverse the genders in order for it to be rape are you saying women can't rape men

wouldn't it go to his family

i got a kick out of the masturbation joke even though the did the same joke with Adam west

what i think is funny is that both Yeardley smith and hank azaria hate Herman's head also i remember loving that show when i was 6

i don't know why but i got a kick out of marge painting the ceiling with her hair also i found the monty python coconut horse joke to be funny

i didn't like the sight gag to much i did get a kick out of the newspaper and the mermaid dying joke though also i agree with you on the b grade

i thought it was funny how the twin girls don't remember there name's where bulding lego versions of themselves

didn't naked gun make that Recess.joke before

that's the one i forgot the kids name thanks for reminding me

so he/she gets a good fucking a for stating the obvious

so archer has two kids now i wonder if we are going to see more of hooker baby now that the other kid is around

so they are going to write and direct a entire movie in one year wow this film is going to turn out good

wow i guess i am the only one who hated this espiode i thought the b story line was boring as hell and didn't find the A storyline all the funny at all

the only joke i laugh at was of Chris taking Brian car and never coming back