

Yeah… His response about having spoken to her friends at school, and that was why he didn't call her, was really sketchy. Also, wasn't it mentioned in one of the episodes that there were 2 snow days following Hae's disappearance? So, he went 2 days not calling/ paging her or talking to her friends?

It also really annoyed me when Diedre mentioned to Sarah the possible racial profiling in this case. I could not roll my eyes hard enough, when she replied astonished at the possibility. Seriously, Sarah? That did not cross your mind once???

I flip between his guilt and innocence every week… and after this week I'm back to thinking he's guilty again. I think they're both lying about their involvement tbh

I think Jay gave us a glimpse at the truth when he said something about telling the truth but lying about the location. So, I'm more convinced after ep8 that the bare bones of his story is true: Adnan showed him Hae dead. He helped bury the body. He's already admitted to his involvement but I think he lied to cover up