
It's so weird to say this, but the way PR animates vomiting is iconic.

For curiosity's — and nostalgia's — sake, which boss did you think was the end?

God I'm so excited. He's going to stab Webster Hall in the eye with a Foreign Object!

Is your friend Strong Bad?

Ahem. Have you SEEN ISIS' recruitment videos? They're hilariously greenscreened.

Donglover himself wants to see it. He commented on that in the special he did after that whole thing happened.

And by diversity, do you mean space leech vampires?

I would pay to revive the Muppet Christmas thing with The Decemberists. Animal would make a great villain in The Mariners Revenge Song

Back then we'd say "gimme five Norms to a Diane," which is what we called Marges at the time, since the Kaiser stole our word for dickety. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six episodes, or a Morganville season, which is what we called a Shelbyville season back in the day…

No, people just love Annie's Boobs

Incidentally, the winner of the mayoral contest, which is decided by mysterious lights in a great black gorge, was Fringe's Jassika "Astro" Nicole as "Intern Dana." She is presently losing her mind in the mayoral throne room while the former mayor holds continuous, back-to-back emergency press conferences.

I saw the sky break
I threw a rock at a crow who was playing in the mulch of some rose bushes by the motel office
Missed him by a good yard or two


Or it's what happens if you are bitten by a cake bug.

Stone, I think. Or Baratheon, apparently *cough*Joffrey*cough*

We've got a saying around here; Get used to it, Hodor!

Just a brilliant bit that shed light on the world of the Nine Nine. Seeing that it's not just Peralta who makes up backstories for his characters does a lot to ground his wackier elements in the realm of the believable.

No mention of Lance Reddick's Philip Broyles? Shame, AVC. Shame.

HUGE slam(jam) on Shawn Bradley out of nowhere.

If it was Maine they would have a weekly lobster festival.