Shannon Marie

Listen to "Using" and you'll get it.

Correction: "Eating so much pussy I'm shitting clits, SON."

I think "I have a lot of elderly friends" got one of the biggest laughs from me. I just want to give Jared a big hug.

Everything Jared says endears him to me just a little more.

"I'm friends with your mother" just made me think of Tyrion as Danaerys' new boyfriend trying to make in-roads with her kids.

"I drink and I know things" was a pretty solid Tyrion Lannister line, but I almost peed when he told the dragons "I'm friends with your mother."

Oh no, you guys, Debbie's gonna circulate this ALL OVER the world-wide web! Is the culture war starting?!


I'm invested in everything except Paul*

Poor Vince Vaughan, he gets the worst bits of writing:
"It's like blue balls…but for your heart."
"I was drafted into the wrong side of a class war."

I went with shillelagh, but I don't think that's quite right either. Whatever, it got the job done. A+ on the detail of Pitlor's lip filler hanging out!

"Now we have kids killing kids, and yes, that was a new taboo I did not expect the show to break"
Remember when Carl killed that kid in the woods? Yeah, apparently not. Taboo already broken. Which one are you gonna remember?