
Now that I think of it, it is weird that Brian has never expressed any feelings towards White Castle, despite its presence in NYC. Like, the guy's a stoner, and they sell tiny slider burgers.

..Well, here's an angle- International syndication?

While I am not sure who, exactly, is responsible for this, I think one factor that really elevated Limitless is the way that it was presented. For example, I remember in episode 3-ish, when they first went to the illustrated, tourist style map to show Brian going around New York. While they returned to it a few more

I think that the conflict was less Bob v Warren, and extends to a more consistent Bob vs The world who doesn't appreciate him.

I love Limitless, and would love to talk about it, but it doesn't fit AV reviewer sensibilities. It isn't a dramedy- a FUN dramedy- with serialized elements. A lot of episodes rely on case of the week, and the fun element can make that stuff silly or have less impact than it should

The activists discussed those issues- only by and through smearing the shit out of innocent kids.

That philosophy sounds like it completely justifies China's Cultural Revolution.

I just can't give Murray that credit, because this is what every journalist who talks about the Duke case does.

Echoing the thanks. The inability of some people to clearly and unequivocally state, "The players were innocent and Magnum is a liar," stuns me.

Or the part in KC Johnson's book where he talks about one professor who didn't per se agree with the group, but signed on because it would look bad not to "in her field".

No, see, the people arguing the "larger truth" angle were wrong. They are still wrong. Because the actual facts refuse to conform to this idea of a larger truth. The actual facts disputed the whole narrative of your "larger truth" or at leadt complicated.

That's a valid point with regards to having a policy in place. It makes sense to have policy for forseeable events- student suicide, etc. With the obvious addition that facts vary case to case, no policy is going to work for every set of facts, etc).

Actually, "doing something" just to do something IS worse than doing nothing, and this idiotic logic is behind some of the worst govermental programs. As an example:

I dont think the point of the consent conteacts were about being allowed to do anything sans consequences - PC Principal even points points out that going down on a chick is a seperate form.

The good thing is that this episode put the kids and his wife on stewarts side. The kids clearly understood that dean was lying about the window, and mary elozabeth was hilarious objecting to dean sr.s logic at the end.

To elaborate: I read it that way because then Morty has learned, generally, not to get involved in alien affairs but got dumb because of a good looking chick. Which is totally in character for him.

Eh…. Morty saving the girl could be read as being horny, hence Rick's disdain for his tight 5 minutes

The shot into space part- yes.

Gayle and I are clearly kindred spirits, with our love of Scott Bakula

The positivity of Teddy's twitter would shame Pau Gasol.