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    In what ways were the books mean-spirited or preachy? If you think being against evil, being against a wizard who wanted to subjugate and destroy Muggle-borns and others, and subsequently perhaps shutting out those who sided with him historically (Slytherins and yes, even their kids) is mean-spirited, then I don't

    That was between Gryffindor and Slytherin, as the books point out. And I think it works, for the most part!

    Well that whole exploring nuances thing is what the Sorting Hat is for (yes, it's a talking hat but there you go). And of course, the Houses served a purpose — characters themselves were a reflection of the traits the Sorting Hat laid out at the start of the book.

    I mean, if most of your parents were Death Eaters, would you want to fight against your parents to protect a school full of people you probably despise? How many Slytherin kids had parents in Voldemort's inner circle — a sizable chunk of them, even just based on the 4th book and his return. Sure, there were some

    On the album, it was Mal's replacement, Stevie Young, who recorded. And then Stevie's father is actually also named Stevie, if I'm correct, not George. And he's got the chops, believe me. Sounds like Malcolm, almost.

    Lies man, all lies. Take it from real fans (not you obviously), plenty of whom are out there, and this new album rocks as hard as Flick of the Switch or any other 80's album. Have you even heard the full album? And the song is "Play Ball," not "Let's Play Ball." And the song, while it has some sports mixed in, is just