Jack Bennett

Not only was Cars NOT his first voice-over, it wasn't even the first time he provided the voice for a vehicle! He's Heat Vision!

Well, fair enough.

It goes both ways. Choosing to approach depression with sensitivity and compassion strikes me as absolutely the right thing to do. Ignoring the greater impact of suicide on the living in sympathy for those who would choose to take their own lives strikes me as feeding the romantic notion of suicide as an end to your

You'll forgive me for needing my own privacy and the privacy of my loved ones and not comment on my own specific experiences, but while I do think Henry is being harsh, I value what he said and recognize it as a part of how he copes. But I also value what you're saying and am glad that you're willing to say it, and

Are you saying the uphill battle of convincing a clinically depressed person that their life has value is so great that we should not express anger and disappointment at those who chose to take their lives, because it will reaffirm the self-loathing of those who have not gone through with it?

"Maybe you think, or have even experienced, that being told you'd be an asshole can be motivation for avoiding suicide."

I think that's the value in his attitude, if anything; this is a guy who had to pull it together and this is a piece of how he did it. But your thoughts on it are completely valid; Robin Williams was proof that a person who suffered from severe depression could still find tremendous success. I think his suicide,

Well… abandoning a child does make you a bit of an asshole, but we could split hairs on whether that applies to suicide all day. But without getting too personal; a tough approach can be helpful. I think it's much MORE helpful when there are people like you to call out what about Rollins' statements is wrong and

I didn't read as much disrespect towards depression as I did towards suicide, and I do think that's an important distinction. It kinda' feels like in the wake of some other ugly comments from other public figures a lot of people are, in an attempt to be supportive and helpful towards people who suffer from depression,

Rollins is also an abuse survivor who had his own burdens to overcome, which might be why his words read as ignorant; he's probably sharing a little of what gets him through his own life, and we all tend to be a bit rigid about that.

Maybe, but Rollins also expresses a disdain for people who don't see a responsibility to the roles we have in other people's lives, specifically the lives of their children. The argument CAN be made for suicide as a selfish act, and just like with alcoholism (which is also tied to depression) you can't help someone

Um… I believe in respecting and nurturing someone who suffers from depression, and I do think that a lot of the recent comments by pundits and certain members of KISS have been appalling, but are you really now going to make fun of people for saying, in their own gruff terms, that suicide is not the answer? I don't

It's not you, Almodovar challenges morality and sympathy in all his movies but I think he does so knowingly (and often just for shock). I do like the ambiguity and think it's important, there's a trend in movies now where I see people wanting to only digest characters through a clear moral compass that they consider

Isn't the whole point of that storyline in Talk to Her that the nurse's affection seems innocent and selfless at first glance but is gradually revealed to be creepier and creepier until everyone realizes how far it actually goes and he ends up in prison? Doesn't he violate every boundary under the guise of his love