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    I am going to bring the elephant in the CWverse…. why didn't he called Barry? He can solve the issue in 1-2-3. As long as this episode isn't in the same exact day/night in which Iris is supposed to die, Barry canspara a little help for his long friend Oliver.

    Assasinates people for money and power.

    I haven't seen this episode but I agree with IGN score for Arrow's last week episode.

    Haru also get a shit ton of criticals thanks to OneShot-Kill and if you finished Tower Arcana it was about 80% critical against the fodders.

    I think Haru is the second best physical hitter after Ryuji,

    Yusuke isn't gay, he is mostly bi or the new discovered artsexual. ART!!!

    I maxed it out because I loved the feel of being in a bar. It reminded me of Catherine.

    Mishima is one of the best characters actually.

    IT'S FOR ART!!!!

    I only recall 2 major flaws within P3:
    Lame dungeon design
    Absurd quantitites of grinding

    Legends of Tomorrow is the superior show this season. The Legion of Doom is really a fantastic group of villains (and part-time group of dysfunctional friends).

    He is trying to find a way to watch the Supergirl crossover. You know… Savitar, loves musicals.

    I think this note istoo low. This chapter was pure fun, specially Scythe's introduction while he sings and strangle a guy with a mic and Madame Gao trolling Danny.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about her but she is fixated in using the Spear for her own means. For a moment I believed that she would betray the Legends.

    They didn't even nkew how to do that. Until Gideon and Mick told them how.

    She blindly trusted Rip even as he was in EvilRipMode, she should have trusted Mick even more the whole season he has been key to the team (like in the Washington case)

    When Eobard say that the Legends are idiots he really knows about he is talking about.

    Vigilante is going to be Roy….. sorry, is just that I miss the random parkour.

    That she knew the Assasins style it doesn't made her automaticaly Ra's daugther.

    I think that the TimeMasters/Speedforce ignored Thawne plans in S1 is because he was making minor changes in the timeline, he made it happen sooner, he didn't change the events, he just made it happen 5 years earlier. If you saw it in a smaller scale is like drinking your coffee at 5:30 instead of 5:45. It didn't